Taking Stock
Taking Stock
EOFY thoughts.
It’s EOFY and everywhere I look it’s there’s a great big red Stocktaking Sale sign. While retailers try to clear the decks for the next load of “new season” stock to arrive, I’m taking stock in a different way.
As a business owner, the end of financial year is a time for me to count the beans and see what I’ve achieved over twelve months. But we all know that’s only part of the story. I wanted to take stock of all the new and continuing relationships I have created and nurtured through my last few years in business. These relationships are the gift that will keep on giving. Some are clients, some fellow creatives, some employees and some support the day to day running’s of Kate Flower Food. What delivers me joy in bucket loads is to see the wonderfully colorful community that is growing around me. My hope is that there will continue to be a healthy exchange between myself and each of these members of my village.
I had a great chat with my favourite finance guy Adam Howard this morning to get a sense of where the local economy is headed and explore how I can create a resilient business. I was hoping to receive and spread a little cheer in this email with news of a bright shining light at the end of what has seemed a long tunnel. As is usually the case our conversation fell down some rabbit holes, exploring the state of the Australian property market, the knock on of a slumped oil and gas industry on W.A’s future prospects and what effect global trade and the internet has on retailers. I’ll spare you the details and cut to the chase. Resilient businesses will be the ones who have taken the time to create a community. Loyalty is the greatest gift a client or customer can give you and that is something we need to earn. Consistently providing good service, being authentic, delivering on promise and communicating what your values are as a person or a business will be key to prospering across many EOFY’s to come.
So, I wish you all the best for tying up the financial year just gone and for the success of many to come.
All the best, Kate